EMINENCE Recruits Former UDORA Bassist

December 12, 2007

Brazilian extreme metallers EMINENCE have recruited bassist TC, formerly of the band UDORA (the same group that once featured in its ranks current SEPULTURA drummer Jean Dolabella). A photo of the band's new lineup can be found at this location.

EMINENCE recently shot a video for the new song "Day 7". Check out a photo from the video shoot at this location.

"Day 7" comes off the group's forthcoming album, "The God of all Mistakes", due in early 2008 via an as-yet-undetermined label. The follow-up to 2004's "Humanology" was recorded at Maquina Studios with producer by Tue Madsen (ROB HALFORD, MNEMIC, THE HAUNTED) and will feature cover artwork by MNEMIC guitarist Mircea Eftemie. The mixing sessions took place at the Antfarm studio in Ã…rhus, Denmark.

EMINENCE last year announced the additon of bassist Rodrigo Nunes to the group's ranks. Nunes joined EMINENCE as the replacement for previous bassist Jairo Guedz (former SEPULTURA guitarist),who left EMINENCE due to "personal reasons" and "scheduling conflicts."

EMINENCE's most recent CD, "Humanology", was released via Switzerland's Timeless Productions.

EMINENCE video footage from recording studio:

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